May 26, 2017
Competition is something that can drive a lot of business, but often times your competition can be turned into a valuable ally. In the early days of our business' makings, our staff would visit other offices of businesses that were doing that same thing we were in our line of work. We learned so much valuable things...
May 18, 2017
"The One Thing" is a great book for any entrepreneur looking to get ahold of areas in their life where it might be chaotic or disorganized. This book teches concepts on focusing on one thing that will create a domino effect of allowing you to accomplish other things in every aspect of your life.
May 9, 2017
The way investors treat customers is often times overlooked. You start making a good amount of money, and then you get on your high horse and start treating customers with disrespect. A thing to remember is that your customers pay your bills, not your paycheck. Our top salesman, Jarrod, gives us so awesome points on how...
May 1, 2017
Video is the fastest growing and biggest form of consumer content right now. If you sell any products or services, you must implement video marketing in some way! In this episode, our own, Josh Culler, gives some great tips on getting started with video marketing and how it can impact your business.